6D Certificate Explained

A 6D Certificate is a legal document that certifies a condo unit has no outstanding fees, assessments, or charges due to the condominium association at the time of sale.

In Massachusetts, the 6D certificate is required by law when selling a condo and is typically provided by the condominium association to the seller. It assures the buyer that the condo unit is free of any unpaid dues or pending special assessments, which could otherwise be transferred to the new owner.

Key Components of a 6D Certificate

  1. Confirmation of No Outstanding Fees

    • Explanation: The 6D certificate confirms that all regular condominium fees (such as maintenance fees or utilities) have been paid in full and that no fees are outstanding.

    • Massachusetts-Specific Note: This document is issued by the condominium association, and it is the seller’s responsibility to request it before closing.

  2. Verification of No Special Assessments

    • Explanation: The certificate verifies that there are no unpaid special assessments levied by the condo association for major repairs or improvements.

    • Buyer Tip: Ensure that the certificate clearly states that there are no pending assessments that could affect the property after the sale.

  3. Required for Closing

    • Explanation: The 6D certificate is necessary for the closing of the sale and must be provided to the buyer’s lender if financing is involved.

    • Practical Tip: Buyers should request a copy of the 6D certificate before closing to avoid surprises regarding unpaid fees or assessments.

  4. Timeline for Obtaining the 6D Certificate

    • Explanation: The 6D certificate is typically obtained shortly before closing, and the condo association is required to provide it within 10 business days of the request.

    • Massachusetts-Specific Note: Timely requests are crucial, as delays in obtaining the certificate can hold up the closing process.

Why the 6D Certificate Matters

The 6D certificate plays an important role in protecting both buyers and sellers during a condo transaction. Here’s why it matters:

  • Protects the Buyer: The 6D certificate ensures that the buyer is not responsible for unpaid fees or assessments from the previous owner, providing financial security.

  • Ensures a Smooth Closing: Without the 6D certificate, the closing cannot proceed, making it a necessary document for finalizing the sale.

  • Clarifies Financial Obligations: It clarifies the seller’s financial standing with the condo association and assures both parties that there are no lingering financial issues that could complicate the transaction.

In Massachusetts, where condo associations can impose regular fees and assessments, the 6D certificate ensures a clean financial slate for both the buyer and seller, making it an essential document in condo sales.


What is a 6D certificate?

A 6D certificate is a document issued by a condominium association that confirms there are no outstanding fees or assessments owed by the seller at the time of the condo sale. It ensures the buyer is not responsible for any unpaid dues from the previous owner.

Can the closing occur without the 6D certificate?

No, the 6D certificate is required for closing in Massachusetts, and without it, the sale cannot proceed.

Why is the 6D certificate important for buyers?

It protects the buyer from inheriting unpaid fees or special assessments from the previous owner, ensuring there are no hidden financial liabilities.

How long does it take to get a 6D certificate?

The condominium association must provide the 6D certificate within 10 business days of the request.

Who is responsible for obtaining the 6D certificate?

The seller is responsible for requesting and obtaining the 6D certificate from the condominium association before closing.

What information does a 6D certificate confirm?

The 6D certificate confirms that all regular fees and any special assessments have been paid in full, ensuring no outstanding financial obligations for the condo unit.